Wednesday, September 25, 2013

6 Potos From 6 Different Angles

Looking Down

Self Portriait

Self Portrait

Blurred Photo


Looking up


Thursday, September 19, 2013


1 The Hoax came out in December of 2012

2 Students made in it school

3 The purpose was to make a viral video for there class project

4 The audience was youtube users

5 They could have use imovie to manipulate the baby getting caught by eagle


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

camera terms

Image Sensor-An image sensor is a device that converts an optical image to an electric signal. It is used mostly in digital cameras and other imaging devices.

DSLR- A digital single-lens reflex camera (digital SLR or DSLR) is a digital camera that uses a mechanical mirror system and pentaprism to direct light from the lens to an optical viewfinder on the back of the camera.
Pixel-a minute area of illumination on a display screen, one of many from which an image is composed.

Image Resolution-Image resolution describes the detail an image holds. The term applies to digital images, film images, and other types of images. Higher resolution means more image detail.

Image Storage-The space in which a picture takes up on a device

File Format-A file format is a particular way that information is encoded for storage in a computer file.

Exposure-In photography, exposure is the total amount of light allowed to fall on the photograph

Camera Exposure Meter-exposure meter is an instrument for measuring the amount of light falling on or being reflected by a subject

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

1.Professionalism is being appropriate in a businesses like environment.
   Hard Working
3.It shows your mature.
   It shows your prepared.
   It sows your patient.
   It shows your capable to work with.
   It shows your dedicated
4. Jay z is a Professional because he is one of the most successful rap artist.